Minogen – AQ

Minogen – AQ

Mineral Supplement with Growth Enhancer

General function of minerals include constituents of the exoskeleton, balance of osmotic pressure, structural constituents oftissues and transmission of nerve impulse and muscle contractions. Minerals serve as essential components for enzymes,vitamins, hormones, pigments and co-factor in metabolism, catyalysts and enzyme activators.

Shrimp can absorb or excrete minerals directly from the aquatic environment via gill and body surfaces. So, the dietary requirement of minerals is largely dependent on the mineral concertration of the aquatic environment in which the shrimp is being cultured. The bioavailability of minerals to the shrimp depends on various factors among which the source of minerals is of great significance.

The bioavailability and tissue storage of trace minerals are of primary importance in their nutritional performance.Minogen has minerals chelated to organic molecules or aquatic environment have higher bioavailability than their corresponding inorganic forms & interacts less with each other in the digestive tract. The increased bioavailability and effectiveness of Minogen candramatically reduce the required inputs and decrease waste discharges to environment.


Combination of essential micro and macro minerals in a definite proportion. Manganese, Copper , Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Cobalt, Selenium, Molybdenum, Boron, Aluminum, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium.


  • Enhanced growth and immunity.
  • Enriches pond and promotes plankton growth.
  • Regulates pH of pond.
  • Healthy development of endo & exoskeleton system.


  • Routine use: 5 Kg per acre.
  • Risk Conditions: 10 Kg per acre.
  • For Pond Preparation: 15 Kg acre one day before stocking
    Or as advised by an Aquaculture consultant.


Powder: 10 kgs and 25 Kgs bag.


General function of minerals include constituents of the exoskeleton, balance of osmotic pressure, structural constituents oftissues and transmission of nerve impulse and muscle contractions. Minerals serve as essential components for enzymes,vitamins, hormones, pigments and co-factor in metabolism, catyalysts and enzyme activators.

Shrimp can absorb or excrete minerals directly from the aquatic environment via gill and body surfaces. So, the dietary requirement of minerals is largely dependent on the mineral concertration of the aquatic environment in which the shrimp is being cultured. The bioavailability of minerals to the shrimp depends on various factors among which the source of minerals is of great significance.

The bioavailability and tissue storage of trace minerals are of primary importance in their nutritional performance.Minogen has minerals chelated to organic molecules or aquatic environment have higher bioavailability than their corresponding inorganic forms & interacts less with each other in the digestive tract. The increased bioavailability and effectiveness of Minogen candramatically reduce the required inputs and decrease waste discharges to environment.


Combination of essential micro and macro minerals in a definite proportion. Manganese, Copper , Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Cobalt, Selenium, Molybdenum, Boron, Aluminum, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium.


  • Enhanced growth and immunity.
  • Enriches pond and promotes plankton growth.
  • Regulates pH of pond.
  • Healthy development of endo & exoskeleton system.


  • Routine use: 5 Kg per acre.
  • Risk Conditions: 10 Kg per acre.
  • For Pond Preparation: 15 Kg acre one day before stocking
    Or as advised by an Aquaculture consultant.


Powder: 10 kgs and 25 Kgs bag.